基恩资讯有限公司 (HIS) 今天正式发布 HIS 7950 3GB。显卡为想一尝7900系列视觉享受的用家,提供更高性价比的选择。显卡拥有800 MHz引擎时钟频率丶5.0 Gbps 显存时钟频率和384位GDDR5显存接口的超高端规格,跟7970一样的拥有顶级性能。
支持PCI-e 3.0
支持最新PCI Express 3.0 x16总线接口,提供比上一代PCI Express 2.x多一倍的带宽,只要配合相关系统,便可全面倍升显卡性能,感受极致的性能!
显卡全新的设计及体系结构使显卡能更有效地运算,全方位的提高帧率,同时替用家节省电费。此外,先进的AMD PowerPlay™ 及 AMD PowerTune 电源管理技术,能将显卡的功耗控制在用家想达到的功耗范围内,确保帧率的同时减少耗电,达到节能丶节电,省钱的效果。
HIS 7950 3GB可让计算器成为狂热游戏玩家的最佳武器,令玩家以更完美的图像效果,体验最新的三维立体游戏!
显卡支持连接多台显示器,获得更多画面! AMD宽域技术“2.0”可同时支持4台独立显示器的输出,比上一代拥有更多的视频叠加模式丶更具弹性的边框补偿等等,可实现广阔的桌面工作空间和最身临其境的视觉环境,使您获得极致全景计算体验。这不公平的优势,助您在残酷的游戏世界内,轻松战胜对手。
全面支持微软DirectX® 11.1,使显卡无论在应付现在或未来的DirectX游戏,都游刃有馀。另外显卡配备的AMD HD3D技术,支持三维立体显示器/眼镜,带玩家进入最新的三维立体游戏。显卡还提供比上一代显卡快一倍的显卡曲面细分技术,更快的DirectCompute技术,充分实现三维立体游戏美轮美奂的图像效果!
画质更高, 享受更好
HIS 7950 3GB的最高分辨率为4096 x 2160可支持30” LCD屏幕及80”特大电视屏幕,令您的计算器摇身一变成为超级多媒体中心。
四倍高清指分辨率比现在的1080p高清高四倍以上,在这分辨率的影像或许会因太清晰而欺骗您的眼睛! 四倍高清在市场上尚未普及,但显卡却准备就绪,让用家随时可应付四倍高清的需要,让用家能安坐家中享受电影院级的视觉享受 ── 您或许可以放大您在远处拍艾菲尔铁塔的影片,清楚看到在塔顶上您朋友的脸孔! 让显卡带领你的眼睛享受视觉上的终极清晰!
有没有想过让一台显示器专门负责电邮,同时间另一台在浏览网页? 显卡备有两个Mini-Display接口,让你轻易扩大画面,连接两台包括苹果27”LED Cinema Displays在內的显示器。另外,显卡的双连接 DVI接口让你连接30”的DVI显示器,最高支持2560X1600的分辨率。用家更可以使用显卡的HDMI 1.4a接口连接80”大电视,享受分辨率4096X3112的特大画面。
September 22th, 2012 at 01:17 pm By mediasorcerer
Hello to all.
I very recently purchase the HIS reference 7950 3gb for a very good price here in Australia brand new, and would like to express my opinion to any potential customers if i may.
I have tested it out with some 2012 fps titles [big name etc] and the card is excellent!! I can run games at full graphics settings @1920x1080 superbly, with excellent frame rates, no stutter or lag, and it overclocks like a beast!!! I have a background in technology and industrial design, so i can say with confidence that this card is very well made, well designed, i prefer the way it vents the heat out from my case rather than most aftermarket cooler solution which can cause ambient temps rise inside comp case and this is why i chose the reference cooler solution! Well done His, im very pleased!!
The card idles at 32c ambient and does not rise above around 65c during intense usage.
As a side note, i have no affiliation with the company[his] other than recently purchasing this gpu!
It is the first time i have owned a his card, and i highly recommend it to anyone in the market for a 3gb BEAST!!! ps, Ati have recently released a new updated bios for the reference 7950,s only, which gives even better performance, i am using this bios and it works excellently!!!
I will be buying his products again as i see fit, thanx his, good stuff, give my regs to the engineers who created my new card please, they did a well good job in my humble opinion!!!
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HIS has won over 1000 awards with ATI graphic solution from major media worldwide.
"... по памяти HIS удалось разогнать до впечатляющих 1780/7120 МГц." Overclockers.ru
"HD7950 pulls the market by far the most demanding games in full HD without any problems. At a cost of ~ £ 3,200 you get a graphics card that is better than Nvidia GTX580. A super exciting product with the third most powerful single GPU that consolidates graphics perfectly." LaptopWorld.dk "Gamer's Choice"
"Good performances. Power consumption very well controlled. Good overclocking" PC Update "Gold Award"
"Excellent performance and excellent overclocking potential!" ITC.ua
"The HIS Radeon HD 7950 is proving to be a solid graphics card that provides a consistently good performance at an affordable price." PC Welt
"HIS 7950 Video Card runs on standard frequencies, together with the an efficient coller, opening the opportunities for overclocking!" CHIP.ua "Product of the Month"
"At face value the Double Dissipation heatsink’s cooling performance may not look all that great since it doesn’t offer any better temperatures than the stock version.. this is without a doubt the card to buy if you can’t justify spending more than $500 on an upgrade." Hardware Canucks
"The product as released by HIS as tested today works out well. It has all the variables to become a successful product" Guru3D "Recommended Product"
"HD 7950 is a stroke of genius from almost all angles, and AMD has really done a good job. Not only is the card faster than a GTX-580, it can easily and without voltage tweaks overclock 100 MHz" HwT.dk "Gold Award"
"We look forward to seeing what HIS can do with overclocked 7950's with enhanced cooling but for now the standard edition is a worthwhile purchase." Hardware Heaven "Performance Award"
"To say that we were left stunned by the performance of the HD7950 is almost an understatement. It's brilliant." Overclocker3D "Gold Award"
"The HIS 7950 is a great card and if fire up some overclocking software you're going to get a really nice overall boost in performance. It's not as fancy as some other cards, but it does what it's supposed to do and that's what we love." TweakTown "Editor's Choice Award"