冰酷 - 更冷、更静
2根6mm及2根 8mm的超宽热管从核心区域带走热空气。
配合115 x 94 mm铜散热器,提供特大的140 x 125mm散热范围,效果显着。
HIS显卡采用先进的多相动态相位控制PWM IC,配合数字电源设计,2盎司铜层等,充份运用显卡性能,令显卡可有更大的承载和超频能力,让超频用家发挥到极致!
支持PCI-e 3.0
支持最新PCI Express 3.0 x16总线接口,提供比上一代PCI Express 2.x多一倍的带宽,只要配合相关系统,便可全面倍升显卡性能,感受极致的性能!
显卡全新的设计及体系结构使显卡能更有效地运算,全方位的提高帧率,同时替用家节省电费。此外,先进的AMD PowerPlay™ 及 AMD PowerTune 电源管理技术,能将显卡的功耗控制在用家想达到的功耗范围内,确保帧率的同时减少耗电,达到节能丶节电,省钱的效果。
连接多台显示器,获得更多画面! AMD宽域技术“2.0”可同时支持4台独立显示器的输出,比上一代拥有更多的视频叠加模式丶更具弹性的边框补偿等等,可实现广阔的桌面工作空间和最身临其境的视觉环境,使您获得极致全景计算体验。这不公平的优势,助您在残酷的游戏世界内,轻松战胜对手。
全面支持微软DirectX® 11.1,使显卡无论在应付现在或未来的DirectX游戏,都游刃有馀。另外显卡配备的AMD HD3D技术,支持三维立体显示器/眼镜,带玩家进入最新的三维立体游戏。显卡还提供比上一代显卡快一倍的显卡曲面细分技术,更快的DirectCompute技术,充分实现三维立体游戏美轮美奂的图像效果!
认可支持AMD HD3D的显示器:
• 三星 SA700
• 三星 SA750
• 三星 TA950
• 三星 SA950
• 三星 TA 750
• LG D2342P
• LG D237IPS
画质更高, 享受更好
显卡的最高分辨率为4096 x 2160可支持30” LCD屏幕及80”特大电视屏幕,令您的计算器摇身一变成为超级多媒体中心。
四倍高清在市场上尚未普及,但显卡却准备就绪。显卡全面支持3GHz HDMI 1.4a 及DisplayPort 1.2 HBR2,让用家随时可应付四倍高清的需要。
有没有想让一台显示器专门负责电邮,同时间另一台在浏览网页? 显卡备有两个Mini-Display接口,让你轻易扩大画面,连接两台包括苹果27”LED Cinema Displays在内的显示器。另外,显卡的双连接 DVI接口让你连接30”的DVI显示器,最高支持2560X1600的分辨率。用家更可以使用显卡的HDMI 1.4a接口连接80”大电视,享受分辨率4096X3112的特大画面。声道更多,视像会议更佳
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HIS 7950 IceQ Turbo 3GB GDDR5 PCI-E DVI/HDMI/2xMini DP |
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Radeon HD 7950 PCIe Series |
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RadeonTM HD 7950 GPU |
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28nm |
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3072 |
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900MHz |
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5Gbps |
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384bit |
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500 Watt or greater power |
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4096x2160 per display (DisplayPort 1.2) 2560x1600 per display (Dual-link DVI) 2048x1536 per display (VGA) |
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PCI Express 3.0 x16 |
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Yes |
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Yes |
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Dual-link DVI-I |
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No |
HD 7950 System Requirement
- PCI Express® based PC is required with one X16 lane graphics slot with 2 slots space available on the motherboard
- 500W (or greater) power supply with two 75W 6-pin PCI Express power connectors recommended
- Certified power supplies are recommended. Refer to http://support.amd.com/us/certified/power-supplies/Pages/listing.aspx for a list of Certified products
- Minimum 1GB of system memory
- Installation software requires CD-ROM drive
- DVD playback requires DVD drive
- Blu-ray™ playback requires Blu-ray drive
- The operation of AMD CrossFire™ technology in dual mode requires a second AMD Radeon™ HD 7950 graphics card and an AMD CrossFire™ Ready motherboard.
April 21th, 2013 at 10:42 am By Timeheart
I've bought this Card for my own custom desktop, and it's worked amazing so far. I'm currently looking for a second of the same to match up and boost my System! Unfortunately, it seems Everyone's out of stock, and I'll need to wait for more. I hope you guys have more going out to your distributors soon! I'm watching!
July 30th, 2012 at 01:47 am By Waqar Ali KiLLiNGMASTER
I called this card legend, because this is heart of hi tech, this card have new features never before like First 28nm GPU processing, AMD HD3D technology, open GL 4.2, 1792x stream processors, 384 bit memory data transfer bandwidth, less power consumption and less heat, more tera floating, Quad HD 4k will open the new gates for resolution will increase the graphics quality and detail, sound quality also improved, thanks to his coolant design running the card cooler up to 12c and less noise, all new heavy games are running smoother faster with ultra high graphics without any problem.
July 28th, 2012 at 08:17 am By Waqar Ali KiLLiNGMASTER
hi guys this card is lot of benefits like 28nm gpu processing less heat less power consumption long life, 4kHD and pci 3.0 ultra speed bandwidth connectivity.
Thanks to his for introducing iTurbo oc software
May 13th, 2012 at 05:50 pm By Constantin Maniut
I just received my HIS 7950 IceQ Turbo from Mindfactory yesterday and give it a go last night. The card is a blast, it just roacks everything in Eyefinity, much better than my ex-5870s in CFX.
The card runs pretty cool, temps in full load not higher than 63°C (Case Silverstone Raven 02). By christmass I'll definetly buy a second HIS 7950 IceQ Turbo to go crossfire.
This cards worth every penny, thanks HIS and keep it going.
Post your comment

HIS has won over 1000 awards with ATI graphic solution from major media worldwide.

" + Good performance
+ GPU overclock
+ High potential for dispersal
+ Very effective and quite quiet cooling system
+ Most of the hot air output of a PC case
+ Price " ITC.ua - Product of the year 2012
"Who said increase in frequency, said increased consumption. This is, however, quite small: 4 watts at most in video games. At rest, no significant difference was reported...HIS has slightly changed the design of the PCB of its Radeon HD 7950 IceQ Turbo. Besides some modifications of components, especially the manufacturer increased the number of phases of the power stage of the GPU, from 4 to 6. This ensures a more stable voltage and hope for a manual overclocking higher than on a standard map." LesNumeriques
"The HIS HD 7950 IceQ Turbo uses a radial fan heatsink requires two locations to view the best thermal performance...The better cooled card: HIS HD 7950 IceQ Turbo...the HD 7950 IceQ Turbo is quieter than three of the six tested cards and the GTX 670." Tom's Hardware.fr

"СО получилась просто идеальной"
"великолепный вариант 7950, имеющий самую высокую привлекательность в своей группе топовых ускорителей." iXBT.com Оригинальный дизайн
" +Good performance
+Good potential for overclocking
+Very effective and quite cooling system
+A lot of hot air move outside from case
+Price" ITC.ua

"The HIS Radeon HD 7950 IceQ Turbo offers a useful factory overclock with a fantastic heatsink and fan design, overcoming all the deficiencies of AMD's reference design. It's unfazed by AMD's new Boost firmware, showing parity or a small performance lead in general. The cooler is wonderfully quiet and restrained, and the engineering effort gone into the little touches on the card are welcomed, like the combined VRM and stiffness bracket." Rage 3D - 4.5 Stars Award

"Очень радостно, что видеокарта HD 7950 в разгоне смогла обойти стоковую HD 7970" Ferra.ru - Удачная покупка

"In the great majority of our tests this card is really close to the more powerful cards actually available...In its range, this card is not much more expensive than reference board that are far more noisy and hot" 59hardware.net "Featured Product"

"The overclocking ability of the HIS 7950 IceQ Turbo was one of the best, up 50% over the reference clock from AMD and a very significant gain in performance...For those looking for a high end card, the HIS 7950 IceQ Turbo is a great option." Adrenline "Diamond Product"

"Overall, again a nice product from HIS that will certainly get your gaming freak on. The performance level of the Radeon HD 7950 IceQ Turbo is good for the money. If you game at 1920x1200 then this is definitely a product we can recommend, if your budget allows it." Guru3D "Recommended Product"
"7950 IceQ Turbo HIS has actually done everything right. Although the power consumption is slightly higher due to the factory overclockingl - the card's power consumption is only under seven watts in our test - but the performance is somewhat higher than a standard Radeon HD 7950 and the noise level was much lower than the AMD reference design." HardwareLuxx

"HIS's 7950 IceQ Turbo is surprisingly fast, delivering 10% more performance than a stock model on average and sitting only 7% below the HD 7970. Whereas most HD 6950s could be unlocked, turning them into fully-fledged HD 6970s, the HD 7950 doesn't seem to require such modifications." Legion Hardware "Performance Award"

"The HIS 7950 IceQ Turbo is the only card with a consistent DHE solution, carrying hot air out through the back of the casing inside out ...HIS offers significantly lower volume level. Enthusisastic users with sensitive ears are probably best served with the card." Tom's Hardware "Best Buy Award"

"The graphics performance of the HIS HD7950 IceQ Turbo is good enough for playing most games at 1920x1080 with the highest settings. There are obviously some games that will test it if you put everything on maximum. Its performance out of the box was exceptional which I expected, for me the HD7000 series represents what the HD6000 series could and should have been - a proper upgrade." Benchmark Reviews "Silver Tachometer Award"

"+ Very effective cooling system
+ Overclocked
+ Beautiful design
+ Quality components"
Steel Reviews "5 Stars Award"

"Suffice it to say that the HIS IceQ design is impressive, producing excellent result with the load temperatures. Power consumption also follows a similar trend, as the 7950 is an improvement upon the previous generation, and the new manufacturing process is part of the reason. AMD has really made a big improvement on this front with thew new generation cards; gone are the days of power hungry cards that could heat a room... With more Kepler launches on the horizon, the success of the 7950 remains to be seen, but for now it's a great gaming card, and the HIS 7950 Ice Q Turbo is a great option." PureOverclock "Great Hardware"
"In our test, the HIS Radeon HD 7950 IceQ Turbo is at its best: The fan rotates around 1,000 times per minute, so a low noise level is achieved. Under load, the speed is at only 65 degrees Celsius core temperature - very promising" PC Games Hardware

"The HIS HD 7950 IceQ Turbo 3GB GDDR5 Video Card is considered high-end and it won't disappoint. Since it's the turbo version the core speed is 900GHz and the 3GB of GDDR5 384 bit memory is 5GHz DDR. This video card is 100% hardcore from the outside in. It's a must have for any serious gamer!" 3D GameMan "100% Kickass"