
HIS has won over 1000 awards with ATI graphic solution from major media worldwide.
"The three graphics cards from HIS we’ve covered in this review are interesting products in their respective categories. Each of them features an enhanced power system with high-quality durable components and an original high-performance cooler. The HIS 7970 IceQ X² GHz Edition, HIS 7950 IceQ X² Boost Clock and HIS 7850 IceQ Turbo X are also a little faster than the respective reference solutions due to pre-overclocked GPUs. Added to that are the reliable and informative packaging and the exclusive iTurbo utility. The graphics cards can please you with their looks, too. Although they are usually hidden from view inside the computer case, it is a real pleasure to just hold such a stylish product in your hands." xbitlabs
「也许大多数玩家买了显卡不会去刻意超频,但是超频更是显卡厂商实力的体现,一定程度上也是用料优劣的标准。超频能力强的显卡往往电气性能优异,工作稳定,经久耐用。 HIS HD7850 冰酷2G可以在1270/5700MHz的频率上稳定运行,力压群雄跑出了X2241的全场最高分!HIS HD7850冰酷的性能要比公版强13%。」 PCPOP