HIS 7970 冰立方 GHz Edition引进 iPower提升电压, ,使超频更多,另有更快的Boost Clock, 更冷更靜的冰立方, iTurbo及安全設計。
显卡的7970 GHz Edition核心,拥有最新的Boost Clock技术,核心频率及Boost Clock频率達到1GHz及1.05GHz为最吃资源的游戏及程式提供更高的频率,更强大的性能!
撘配IceQ X²冰立方散热是其中一款最安静的散热器。独特先进的设计,除了比公板冷,并提供超级安静的环境,在浏览网页丶照片丶QQ丶查看电邮或观看电影噪音少於28分贝。
随卡附有HIS最新的超频软件 - iTurbo。用家可以自行调较显卡速度丶温度和电压等,一印尽在玩家控制中!
配备AMD最新技术,例如GCN丶PowerTune with Boost电源管理技术等等,在运算效能丶游戏和使用功耗方面都有革命性的进步!
iPower: 电压更高, 超频更多!
HIS 7970 冰立方 GHz Edition | AMD 7970 公板 | |
电源接口 | 8+8 | 6+8 |
动态相位 | 6+1+1=8 | 5+1+1=7 |
Boost Clock 更快!
显卡拥有最新的Boost Clock技术,为最吃资源的游戏及程式提供更高的频率,更强大的性能!
HIS 7970 冰立方 GHz Edition | AMD 7970 公板 | |
核心频率 | 1000 MHz | 925 MHz |
Boost Clock频率 | 1050 MHz | 不适用 |
显存频率 | 6000 MHz | 5500 MHz |
IceQ X² 冰立方 – 更冷、更静
显卡的IceQ X²冰立方散热器, 超凡的散热性能让显卡比公板冷17度。
IceQ X²冰立方上其中一款最安靜的散熱器。独特先进的设计,比公版散热器安静15分贝。散热器提供超级安静的环境,在浏览网页丶照片丶QQ、查看电邮或观看电影噪音少於28分贝
特大的双 8.9 cm风扇能抽取大量冷气,直接冷却核心。风扇拥有50,000小时特强寿命,加倍耐用。
三根6mm 及兩根 8mm的 超宽铜热管从核心区域带走热空气,散热效果显着!
安全设计: 更安全丶更耐用!
HIS显卡采用先进的多相动态相位控制PWM IC,配合数字电源设计,2盎司铜层等,充份运用显卡性能,令显卡可有更大的承载和超频能力,让超频用家发挥到极致!
配备AMD的GCN架构,显卡在运算效能快4.5倍丶DirectX® 11.1游戏的曲面细分快2.5倍丶使用功耗则低95%!
• Adobe Photoshop CS6
• Corel Winzip 16.5
• Musemage
• Handbrake
• MotionDSP Vreveal
• Cyberlink Power Director
• ArcSoft Media Converter
支持PCI-e 3.0
支持最新PCI Express 3.0 x16总线接口,提供比上一代PCI Express 2.x多一倍的带宽,只要配合相关系统,便可全面倍升显卡性能,感受极致的性能
显卡全新的设计及体系结构使显卡能更有效地运算,全方位的提高帧率,同时替用家节省电费。此外,先进的AMD PowerPlay™ 及 AMD PowerTune 电源管理技术,能将显卡的功耗控制在用家想达到的功耗范围内,确保帧率的同时减少耗电,达到节能丶节电,省钱的效果!
画质更高, 享受更好
显卡的最高分辨率为4096 x 2160可支持30” LCD屏幕及80”特大电视屏幕,令您的计算器摇身一变成为超级多媒体中心。
显卡支持双流高清(1080p)视频播放,呈现1920×1080像素的高清影像,观看丶细听丶感受高清带给您完美无暇的画质! 享受受版权保护电影
四倍高清在市场上尚未普及,但显卡却准备就绪。显卡全面支持3GHz HDMI 1.4a 及DisplayPort 1.2 HBR2,让用家随时可应付四倍高清的需要。 看得更多,赢得更多!
连接多台显示器,获得更多画面! AMD宽域技术“2.0”可同时支持4台独立显示器的输出,比上一代拥有更多的视频叠加模式丶更具弹性的边框补偿等等,可实现广阔的桌面工作空间和最身临其境的视觉环境,使您获得极致全景计算体验。这不公平的优势,助您在残酷的游戏世界内,轻松战胜对手。
有没有想让一台显示器专门负责电邮,同时间另一台在浏览网页? 显卡备有两个Mini-Display接口,让你轻易扩大画面,连接两台包括苹果27”LED Cinema Displays在内的显示器。另外,显卡的双连接 DVI接口让你连接30”的DVI显示器,最高支持2560X1600的分辨率。用家更可以使用显卡的HDMI 1.4a接口连接80”大电视,享受分辨率4096X3112的特大画面。声道更多,视像会议更佳
• Motherboard Chipset: AMD 890FX
• System Memory Size: DDR3 4G
• CPU Type And Speed: Athlon II X4 635 2.9GHz AM3
• Operation System: Windows 7 64bits
• Background Resolution: 1024x768x32bit
• Background Rresh Rate: 75Hz
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HIS 7970 IceQ X² GHz Edition 3GB GDDR5 PCI-E DVI/HDMI/2xMini DP |
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Radeon HD 7970 PCIe 系列 |
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RadeonTM HD 7970 核心 |
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28nm |
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3072 |
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1000 (Boost Clock 1050) MHz |
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6Gbps |
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384bit |
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500 Watt或以上 |
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4096x2160 per display (DisplayPort 1.2) 2560x1600 per display (Dual-link DVI) 2048x1536 per display (VGA) |
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PCI Express 3.0 x16 |
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2个 |
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1个 |
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1个 |
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无 |
June 14th, 2013 at 11:39 am By Bluestick
Good card Overclocks easy to 1200 in CF great cards, they run pretty quite in none OC mode, they look great
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HIS has won over 1000 awards with ATI graphic solution from major media worldwide.

-With continuous liquid frame rates in all tested games and a very good open-CL-performance HIS graphics card makes a positive impression.
-The IceQ cooling works efficiently and always keeps the GPU even with high demands from dying of heatstroke.
- The noise is pretty restrained for a luxury-class graphics card.
- The good performance and especially the low price make the card to the PC WORLD price-performance winner.
PC Welt - The Price-Performance Winner

-Built Quality
-Performance-Price ratio
-IceQ X² is an excellent cooling system
“This version of HD7970 GHz Edition provided by HIS offer a nice design that will convince any gamers who care about product design.”
“This Radeon™ HD 7970 IceQ X² GHz Edition offer a stunning cooler. This IceQ X² is on top on every point : built quality, cooling capacity and silent operation.”
“We have been very pleased to see that this HD7970 IceQ X² GHz Edition is able to compete with the latest GTX 770 from NVIDIA.”
“Overclockers will find a nice product in this Radeon™ HD 7970 IceQ X² GHz Edition has it offer a huge OC potential with a convincing iTurbo software and a Dual-BIOS onboard.”
“Finally this Radeon™ HD7970 IceQ X² GHz Edition offers a really nice performance/price ratio and is the best 7970 GHz we have tested so far. We recommend this card to all the enthusiasts gamers.”
59Hardware.net - Recommended Award
"With continuous liquid frame rates in all tested games and a very good OpenCL performance HIS graphics card falls to positive. The clock speeds of GHz chips of the Radeon HD 7970, the manufacturer has only slightly increased, and unlike the competition, the video memory has stayed with 3 GB. The IceQ cooling is always efficient and keeps the GPU even in arduous conditions before the heat death. The enclosed adapter scope is limited to the bare minimum, with the tool iTurbo the values of the graphics card can observe and control. The operating sound is beautifully restrained, but in general, the energy consumption is a little high. The good performance and low price make the card to our price-performance winner."
Pc-Welt - Price-performance Winner
Pros: Build quality, Silent in charge, Performances, OC
Comptoir-hardware - Rated 5 out of 5

" The HIS 7970 IceQ X ² GHz Edition is a lot slimmer than its rival, therefore, from Asus. Instead of half their heatsink takes only two slots to complete. The cooling body consists of a block at the underside and on the upper side of two sitting three heat pipes. The black plastic cover has two honeycomb cutouts for the fan.
HIS offers iTurbo a software that allows the graphics card can overclock a button. Experts are of course in software manual overclocking features available.
If you can live with a slightly slower graphics card, although has less features, but has a quieter cooler, we recommend the HIS 7970 IceQ X ² GHz Edition, especially since this is significantly less expensive at 380 euros.
For beginners, the push-button overclocking is but a nice bonus. That the cards offer a lot of power, even before our test was foreseeable. "
Allround PC- Best Buy Award
Allround PC- Price-Performance-Winner

" With the currently highest base clock of 1150 MHz, after all the HIS card is in fact simply faster at computationally-heavy tasks properly and also is acting quieter..."
"The card is not only fast, but very quicking. "
Best Buy Award- Tom's Hardware
"The HIS Radeon HD 7970 IceQ X² GHz Edition is a fast and very silent graphics card, their own cooling system on top of that allows pleasantly cool temperatures. Even when overclocking, the pattern has not beaten badly.
Positive aspects of the HIS Radeon HD 7970 IceQ X² GHz Edition:
- Very quiet
- Good overclocking potential
- Strong cooling system" HardwareLuxx
"The three graphics cards from HIS we’ve covered in this review are interesting products in their respective categories. Each of them features an enhanced power system with high-quality durable components and an original high-performance cooler. The HIS 7970 IceQ X² GHz Edition, HIS 7950 IceQ X² Boost Clock and HIS 7850 IceQ Turbo X are also a little faster than the respective reference solutions due to pre-overclocked GPUs. Added to that are the reliable and informative packaging and the exclusive iTurbo utility. The graphics cards can please you with their looks, too. Although they are usually hidden from view inside the computer case, it is a real pleasure to just hold such a stylish product in your hands." xbitlabs

"- the large cooler does a really good job of cooling the HD 7970 chip.
- The HIS card uses HD7970 or the Tahiti chip produced with 28Nm production technology and AMDs Core Next architechture. Also 3GB memory ensures that the card does not run dry on memory anytime within the nearest future.
- The card comes with a great bundle.
- The HD 7970 chip is with the new driver update super fast. In fact it´s faster than the Nvidia GTX680, which costs around 500DKK more for a corresponding model in several test." HwT.dk - Gold Award

"HIS has put together a really nice video card here with the Radeon HD 7970 3GB IceQ X2. We're a huge fan of the cooler that HIS are using on its new high-end models and while this is of course not the first time we've seen the IceQ X2 cooler, it continues to impress us...While the IceQ X2 cooler is of course an extremely strong feature, the new iPower feature that HIS has bought to the table is also a very strong one that needs to be highlighted better." TweakTown - Best Performance Award

"The performance here is excellent and will beat a reference GTX 680. Framerates are very good at higher resolutions and image quality settings, with the 3GB of GDDR5 providing plenty of juice for high antialiasing in games.
Framerates are only part of the equation, however, and where HIS has really put together a killer card is with the IceQ X2 heatsink. This design is stunning in terms of keeping temperatures and noise levels impressively low." PureOverclock - Editors Choice

"The custom cooler on the card is remarkable, actually outperforming competitor coolers from Sapphire and ASUS." KitGuru - Worth Buying

"Still the AMD overclocked versions do offer nice performance gains and we consistently found that the 7970 IceQ X² GHz Edition was much faster than the standard 7970." Legion Hardware - Performance Award

"Add the fact that I managed to overclock the card easily above and beyond the factory overclock, the card was relatively quiet and that the cooler kept the temperatures below 70 degrees Celcius; it would appear that HIS has a really good card on it’s hands.
If I were to be in the market for a top performing Video Card (aren’t I always!), then the HIS 7970 IceQ X² GHz Edition would be at the top of my list." pcGameware - Gold Award

"It’s obvious and easy to have grasped our overall impression of the HIS HD 7970 IceQ X2 3GB GHz Edition, needless to say we think it’s amazing, and definitely one of the best cards out on the market to date. We wouldn’t just suggest buying the HD 7970, but we want to suggest you definitely purchase this specific brand for it, as HIS have done supremely well to make the visually impressive external design, along with the cooling ability they have achieved at the same time. HIS have really advanced this card.
It’s always great to be able to reference an ATI based card against its NVIDIA rival, and in this case that would be the GTX680. We are more than pleased to announce that it is better than the GTX680, and the card to splash out on." HardwareLOOK - Gold Award & Editor's Choice Award

"It’s obvious and easy to have grasped our overall impression of the HIS HD 7970 IceQ X2 3GB GHz Edition, needless to say we think it’s amazing, and definitely one of the best cards out on the market to date. We wouldn’t just suggest buying the HD 7970, but we want to suggest you definitely purchase this specific brand for it, as HIS have done supremely well to make the visually impressive external design, along with the cooling ability they have achieved at the same time. HIS have really advanced this card.
It’s always great to be able to reference an ATI based card against its NVIDIA rival, and in this case that would be the GTX680. We are more than pleased to announce that it is better than the GTX680, and the card to splash out on." HardwareLOOK - Gold Award & Editor's Choice Award