HIS X1900XTX IceQ3 Turbo Dual DL-DVI VIVO 512MB PCIe
  • mk0603003_A520_IceQ3_s_500
  • X1900XTX_PCIe_IceQ3_250
Référence H190XTXQT512DVN-R
Fréquence GPU 700 (iTurbo) MHz
Fréquence mémoire 1700 (iTurbo) MHz
Capacité mémoire 512 MB
Type de mémoire GDDR3
Interface mémoire 256 bit
Interface PCIe
Availability Discontinued


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HIS has won over 1700 awards with AMD graphic solutions from major media worldwide.



[e-zone Choice] 要數真正單卡單核心的最強顯示卡,目前仍非X1900XTX莫屬。由於R580核心電晶體數量極多,加上512MB高速GDDR3記憶體,超頻後,顯示卡的廢熱及功耗也進一步提升,因此原廠散熱設計已不能應付需要,所以廠商亦要轉用IceQ3散熱器,配合低噪音變速風扇,提供不俗的散熱功能。

[Best Performance! Must Have] The IceQ versions from HIS always have been a good option with the ability to have a better cooler not only in performance terms but also the level of volume output. The HIS X1900XTX IceQ 3 has a lot going for it - good bundle, X1900 features, an aggressive price and of course the new and improved IceQ cooling which is better then ever.

[Silver Award] with its elevated clock speeds, the HIS Radeon X1900 XTX IceQ3 VIVO Turbo 512MB is probably one of the fastest single GPU cards in the market... one of the quieter ones... HIS did an excellent job at putting together a top-end Radeon X1900 XTX. Living up to its IceQ pedigree, the HIS fared significantly better than the rest of the competition in terms of thermal management. Since most Radeon X1900 XTX cards in the market feature the default cooler, this gives the HIS a distinct advantage in this segment.