HIS X1900XT IceQ3 Dual DL-DVI VIVO 512/256MB PCIe
  • mk0603003_A520_IceQ3_s_500
  • X1900XT_PCIe_IceQ3_250
Référence H190XTQ512DVN
GPU 1900XT
Fréquence GPU MHz
Fréquence mémoire MHz
Capacité mémoire MB
Type de mémoire
Interface mémoire bit
Availability Discontinued


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HIS has won over 1700 awards with AMD graphic solutions from major media worldwide.


The Ice Q3 is a well balanced card that offers slick performance, sensible pricing and ongoing peace of mind. Well worth considering.

[Editor's Choice] HIS has again released a fine product. Taking the Radeon X1900XT card and improving it further with the powerful and silent IceQ3 cooler earns HIS lots of well deserved respect.