• mk0603003_A520_IceQ3_s_500
  • X1900GT_IceQ3_3DBox_250
Référence H190GTQ256DVN
GPU 1900GT
Fréquence GPU 575 MHz
Fréquence mémoire 1200 MHz
Capacité mémoire 256 MB
Type de mémoire GDDR3
Interface mémoire 256 bit
Interface PCIe
Availability Discontinued


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HIS has won over 1700 awards with AMD graphic solutions from major media worldwide.


[HEXUS Gaming Recommended] "HIS's IceQ3 cooling is very nice. Not only does it look good, it sounds good and performs well too. It's almost silent and in our testing the GPU temperature wasn't seen to rise above 60ºC. In fact, at no point did the IceQ3 fan ever spin at full whack. This is great news for anybody looking for an X1900 that's got a decent cooler on it. HIS augment this with an excellent bundle that covers all bases."..."HIS's X1900 GT IceQ3 is very attractive, there's no doubt in that."..."HIS has produced a reasonably priced, solidly performing, all-round well-thought out product that'll deliver some mighty nice graphics to anyone who buys it."

[Chip Tested]