HIS X1300XT IceQ Turbo Dual DL-DVI 256MB GDDR3 PCIe
  • X1300XT_GB_250
  • A671_DualDVI_IceQ_500
Référence H130XTQT256GDD-R
GPU 1300XT
Fréquence GPU 587 (Turbo) MHz
Fréquence mémoire 1380 (Turbo) MHz
Capacité mémoire 256 MB
Type de mémoire GDDR3
Interface mémoire 128 bit
Interface PCIe
Availability Discontinued


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HIS has won over 1700 awards with AMD graphic solutions from major media worldwide.

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特別配搭瑞士Arctic Cooling設計的ATI Silencer風扇。眾所周知此系列風扇推出多時,並以低嘈音運作招徠,一直深得玩家認同。此卡連帶記憶體顆粒亦貼上散熱片。此卡核心/記憶體時脈625/1400MHz,核心時脈略高於ATI規格256MHz。