"ben şu anda bu ekran kartını kullanıyorum ve gayet memnunum. almak isteyenlere tavsiye.." What customers say: vivido189 on
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"Very good job HIS.
I own one of these monsters, and I am tottaly satisfied. There is no g.." What customers say: Lord Fren on
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What customers say: Klaus on CO:CAINE Headphone Sound Clash (Urban Style)
What customers say: vivido189 on HIS HD 2600 PRO IceQ Turbo 512MB DDR2 AGP
What customers say: hepse on HIS HD 4650 Fan Native HDMI 1GB (128bit) DDR3 AGP (600Mhz Core/1.3Ghz Memory )
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What customers say: Ben on HIS HD 5870 iCooler V 1GB (256bit) GDDR5 PCIe (DirectX 11/ Eyefinity) (Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 2 Game Coupon Inside)
What customers say: yahya santosa on HIS 6790 IceQ X Turbo 1GB GDDR5 PCI-E HDMI/2xDVI/2xMini DP
What customers say: Waqar Ali KiLLiNGMASTER on HIS 7950 IceQ Turbo 3GB GDDR5 PCI-E DVI/HDMI/2xMini DP
What customers say: Strider on HIS HD 4870 IceQ 4+ Native HDMI 1GB(256bit) GDDR5 PCIe
What customers say: Lord Fren on HIS HD 4870 X2 2GB (512bit) GDDR5 PCIe
What customers say: By Pro-X- on HIS HD 4650 Fan Native HDMI 1GB (128bit) 800MHz DDR2 PCIe