
HIS has won over 1700 awards with AMD graphic solutions from major media worldwide.

"On the performance side, the HIS IceQ X Turbo X 7850 2GB has no problem to match or even exceed in some cases a Radeon 7870 core. It is perfectly tailored for the most demanding games, even in the highest resolutions with a level of detail and maximum filtering.
And although the level of computing power is the most convincing, players will not be bothered by excessive noise. Indeed, the HIS IceQ X Turbo X 7850 2GB has proved perfectly with a more efficient cooling system, probably the best in the market today." 59hardware.net - Recommended Product

"There are several reason this card gets the Overclockers.com Approved. Although it only overclocks an additional 50 MHz on the core, it was able to overclock the memory 400 MHz (100 MHz actual). Nothing in the testing hinted at any instability, so once software is released the card should be able to overclock much more. Also this card’s factory overclock helped pull it through some of the tougher benches with very decent scores. It also features one of the coolest and quietest coolers I have experienced to date! Given a MSRP of $289.99 this card is priced well compared to the competition, since the impressive factory overclock is one of the reasons this card managed to do so well. This card should be on your list if you are looking for a quiet and fast card in the mid-range price bracket." Overclockers.com - Approved
"Бесшумная работа в 2D.
Качественная сборка радиатора.
Эффективность охлаждения графического ядра находится на высоком уровне.
Высокий потенциал разгона, до частот выше 1200 МГц." Overclockers.ru

"HIS Radeon HD 7850 IceQ X iTurbo 2048 МБ 256-битной GDDR5 PCI-E — отличный вариант одного из самых привлекательных по рейтингу полезности ускорителей, имеет тихую систему охлаждения и небольшие размеры. Особо стоит отметить бонус в комплекте поставки в виде подставки под карту." iXBT.com "Оригинальный дизайн"

"HIS Radeon HD 7850 IceQ X iTurbo 2048 МБ 256-битной GDDR5 PCI-E — отличный вариант одного из самых привлекательных по рейтингу полезности ускорителей, имеет тихую систему охлаждения и небольшие размеры. Особо стоит отметить бонус в комплекте поставки в виде подставки под карту." iXBT.com "Отличная поставка"

PC Update
"Even without adjusting the voltage, the HD7850 can get overclocked by 25%" PC Update - Gold Award

"Overall, if your looking for a well priced mid-range AMD graphics card that comes with plenty of performance while remaining ultra cool and can be overclocked substantially, then the HIS 7850 IceQ X is definitely the card for you!" pcGameware "Gold Award"

"The HIS Radeon HD 7850 ICEQ TURBOX edition graphics card works out well... I find the 7850 ICEQ TURBOX edition to be a pretty nice product really. The overall package is good from noise to heat towards performance and features like monitor connectors. The product carries a factory set higher clock frequency making it a very decent gaming graphics card for anyone with a monitor up-to 1920x1080." Guru3D "Recommended Product"

"HIS offer us a strong HD 7850 with a great out of the box overclock. We've got a nice looking cooler that performs great and you can see when in CrossFire we really get some excellent performance out of the setup. Overall TweakTown Rating 92%." TweakTown "Editor's Choice Award"

"HIS is known for great cooling solutions on their cards, and the 7850 IceQ certainly continues that trend, topping out at an impressively low 62°C. Perhaps just as impressive is the IceQ heatsink design is quiet, even when the GPU is being stressed to its limit. So not only are the temperatures considerably lower, but so are the noise levels." PureOverclock "Great Value"

"After completing all of the tests I was pleasantly surprised that such a little video card could perform as well as it did, but the performance of this card means nothing until you put it into perspective. When you consider the fact that the power draw is so low, coupled with the really low operating temperature we are starting to really see what this generation of graphics technology has in store for us." Benchmark Reviews "Golden Tachometer Award"

"The HIS HD 7850 IceQ X Turbo X 2GB GDDR5 Video Card is one of the best bang for the buck video card on the planet. This video card has a core speed of 1GHz and the 2GB of GDDR5 256 bit memory is 5GHz DDR.It comes with 1280 stream processing units for vertex, pixel and geometry data, 80 texture units and 32 raster operators. The pixel fillrate is 32 Gpixels/s, the texture fillrate is 80 GTexels/s and the memory bandwidth is 160 GB/s." 3D GameMan "Kickass Gameman's Choice"