Search FAQs
  • Q : 我在哪里可以获取显卡的Windows Server的驱动程序?

    A :

    显卡并不支持Windows Server操作系统。

  • Q : 当不同显存速度和核心时脉的显卡配对时会发生什么情况?

    A :


  • Q : 这张显卡可放在我的机箱吗?

    A :


    显卡大小的测量方式请参考以下例子,显卡正确的大小是 29.7 x 14 x 4.4 cm。



  • Q : What happens when graphics cards with varying memory speeds and engine clocks are paired together?

    A :

    The overall performance will be adjusted to match the memory speeds and engine clocks of the lower clocked card. To obtain the ideal performance.

  • Q : Where can I obtain Windows Server drivers for Graphics Card products?

    A :

    The Graphics Card products are not supported under Windows Server operating systems.

  • Q : AMD Catalyst™ Control Center freezes / exits to desktop during installation

    A :

    If the system has Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 installed, follow the steps below in order to successfully install the AMD Catalyst software:

    1. Install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 redistributable patch
      1. To obtain the patch and / or additional information on the patch, refer to article 961894 on Microsoft's support site
    2. Perfom a clean install of the AMD Catalyst software suite
      1. Download the latest drivers for the graphics card from AMD’s Graphics Drivers & Software page. Refer to Article GPU-56 for information on how to use the graphics driver utility
        1. Note! Before getting started, ensure that you know the model of your graphics card. It will come in handy for several steps in the process. Refer to Article GPU-55 for information on how to identify your graphics card
      2. Remove any pre-existing drivers / software for the graphics card. Refer to Article GPU-57 for detailed instructions on how to uninstall old drivers
      3. Install the latest drivers for the graphics card. For detailed instructions on how to install the latest graphics drivers, refer to:
        1. Article GPU-33 for a Windows® 7 based system
        2. Article GPU-1 for a Windows Vista® based system
        3. Article GPU-2 for a Windows XP / Windows 2000 based system

    For more details, please visit:


    1. Q : How to get full screen with HDMI?

      A :

      ATI Catalyst Control Center 9.9 Overcan and Underscan Options

      Please follow the below instructions to get to the ATI scaling options in windows Vista/ windows 7:

      1. Right click on the Desktop and open Catalyst Control Center 9.9
      2. Switch to Advanced mode if you are not there already
      3. Click dropdown menu Graphics in the top right
      4. Select Desktops and Displays
      5. Right Click your currently activated display under ‘Please Select a Display’ on the bottom right
      6. Select Configure
      7. Click on the Scaling Options tab  and your there
      8. Now, just move the scale to the right (overscan) until you get full screen (in my case that was 0%)

      Please note that Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) connected display monitor(s) may lose it's custom overscan / underscan settings each time the system is rebooted. AMD has released a hotfix to address this issue. Please visit:

    2. Q : 高端显卡的建议温度是什么?

      A :


    3. Q : When you use the crossfire, does the other card have to be the same board?

      A :

      The crossfire needs to carry out with the same Series cards, e.g. 7970 and 7950, 7870 and 7850 etc.
      For more information, please check the Crossfire compatibility chart.

      The overall performance will be adjusted to match the memory speeds and engine clocks of the lower clocked card to obtain the ideal performance.

    4. Q : Why there is "HDMI" on my video card box and on my card there's none?

      A :

      Your card is not a native HDMI model, but the 5000/4000/3000/2000 series are built-in HDMI with 7.1 surround sound support.
      The HIS DVI to HDMI Adapter 5000/4000/3000/2000 series is required to fully utilize the audio through HDMI features.
      You can find more information in the following for the DVI to HDMI adapter